[Add date:2022.08.18]
They are laid-back and fearful among cetaceans. They are very startled when a ship approaches.
ハクジラ類の中ではのんびりやで、怖がり。船が近づくと、とても驚く。Their Characteristic.
- [Academic name]Eubalaena australis
- Toothed Whale -ハクジラ亜目-
- Their diving ability is top class. They can dive to depths of up to 2,000 meters and can remain without breathing for up to 25 minutes.
- 潜水能力はトップクラス。水深〜2,000mまで潜ることができ、最長で25分間息継ぎしないでいられる。
Data rarity.
[No.010]NARWHAL -イッカク-